quinta-feira, 27 de junho de 2013

Chrysta Bell.

Chrysta Bell, artista e modelo norte-americana, é a musa de David Lynch, para quem escreveu e gravou "Polish Poem", a qual faz parte da banda sonora do filme "Inland Empire" - "Império dos Sonhos" (realizado por David Lynch e apresentado, pela primeira vez, no Festival de Cinema de Veneza, em 2006).

"This Train" - editora La Rose Noire - é o primeiro álbum de originais de Chrysta Bell. Produzido por David Lynch, é composto por onze temas mágicos, surreais, teatrais e muito bem conseguidos. Visualizar as imagens ligadas a cada um dos temas, resulta em viagens por mundos de experiências sensoriais diversas. Todas elas inesquecíveis.


                                 "Friday Night Fly"

                                "Polish Poem" - da banda sonora de "Inland Empire"

                                 "I sing this poem to you...
                                         On the other side, I see…
                                         Shining waves flowing.
                                         It's far away, far away from me,
                                         I can see it there
                                         I can see it there
                                         the wind blows outside and I have no breath,
                                         I breathe again and know I'll have to live
                                        To forget my world is ending.
                                         I have to live…
                                         I hear my heart beat,
                                         Fluttering in pain, saying something,
                                         Tears are coming to my eyes -
                                         I cry…I cry…
                                         I cannot feel the warmth of the sun
                                         I cannot hear the laughter
                                        Choking with every thought,
                                         I see your faces,
                                         My hands are tied as I wish -
                                         But no one comes,
                                         No one comes,
                                         Where are you?
                                         Where are you?
                                         What will make me want to live?
                                         What will make me want to love?
                                         Tell me…tell me…

                                         I sing this poem to you…to you…
                                         Is this mystery unfolding
                                         As a wing floating?
                                         Something is coming true -
                                         The dream of an innocent child… 

                                         Something is happening -
                                         Something is happening..."

                                        "Swing with Me"


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